Proof 1:
Proof 2:
Proof 3:
Proof 4:
If Earth were a ball 25,000 miles in circumference as NASA and modern astronomy claim, spherical trigonometry dictates the surface of all standing water must curve downward an easily measurable 8 inches per mile multiplied by the square of the distance. This means along a 6 mile channel of standing water, the Earth would dip 6 feet on either end from the central peak. Every time such experiments have been conducted, however, standing water has proven to be perfectly level.
Analysis:This idea was tested in the famous Bedford Level Experiment of the 19th century. This hypothesis can be falsified. However, it includes cherry-picked results. Since the theory was only tested on a relatively short distance across water it's lacking crucial data. They also ignored refutation. When another scientist, Albert Wallace, tested the theory he found results consistent with a round Earth. This theory also completely disregards atmospheric refraction which explains why the water may appear to be level.
If the Earth and its atmosphere were constantly spinning Eastwards over 1000mph, this should somewhere somehow be seen, heard, felt or measured by someone, yet no one in history has ever experienced this alleged Eastward motion; meanwhile, however, we can hear, feel and experimentally measure even the slightest Westward breeze.
Analysis: This claim is also pseudoscientific. Firstly, it is not falsifiable. There is no scientific way to evaluate if someone is consciously feeling the spinning of the Earth or not. It also assumes that just because something can’t be felt it doesn’t exist which is untrue. We know gravity exists even though we can’t feel it in a traditional sense. This claim also ignores refuting information such as Newton's Law of Inertia which states that we only feel motion relative to our surroundings.
The establishment claims the Midnight Sun IS experienced in Antarctica but they conveniently do not have any uncut videos showing this, nor do they allow independent explorers to travel to Antarctica during the winter solstice to verify or refute these claims. Conversely, there are dozens of uncut videos publicly available showing the Arctic Midnight Sun and it has been verified beyond any shadow of a doubt.
Analysis:This claim is saying, “The midnight sun does not exist in Antarctica because there are no uncut videos of it occurring”. It heavily relies on the cherry-picked absence of a specific type of data while ignoring a lot of other data that discredits the claim. It is not falsifiable because if the tester is unwilling to accept evidence other than uncut videos (which would be incredibly difficult to film in that region) the claim cannot be tested against. It is also based on a misunderstanding of the differences between conditions in the Arctic and the Antarctic. It falsely equates the two.
Analysis:This claim is also pseudoscientific. It conflates the concepts of buoyancy and gravity. Buoyancy relates to how objects behave in liquid it has nothing to do with the attraction of objects due to mass. The claim is therefore not falsifiable because it would require using an irrelevant phenomenon to prove gravity. It also fails to address the numerous experiments that have proved gravity even at the atomic level.
A majority of the claims presented in Dubay’s “200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball” are pseudoscientific despite having the occasional scientific basis. They rely on carefully selected data, confirmation bias, and a disregard for scientific facts that don’t conform to the flat Earth theory. The narrative presented in these proofs is based on layers of misunderstanding and falsehoods that are used to prove each other. They are not scientifically valid assessments of the shape of the Earth.